Technology information

Who is the inventor of industrial robots, History of formation and development

If you are a person working in the field of automation or have a passion for robots, then surely you will know the concept of industrial robots, in this article I only mention robots used in industrial production, not robots. Not the cute robot Asimo of honda or the robots that appear in hollywood movies with the goal of invading the land! Image of Unimate robot, the first industrial robot in the factory. You know industrial robots, you can imagine the [...]


Symbols related to surface and line machining in Japanese drawings according to JIS . standards

JIS  stands for Japan Industrial Standard – Japanese Industrial Standard. This is a set of specific standards and guidelines used in Japanese industrial activities. The standardization process is established by the Japan Industrial Standards Committee and promulgated through the Japan Standards Federation. Below is the table symbols relating to surface machining and line machining in Japanese drawings according to JIS standards: Hope the above sharing can be of help to you. Source:


Chip Material Group Symbols In Mechanical Processing

In the industry, the use of metal, alloy and non-metallic materials used to make life devices is very diverse. Each material has its own unique characteristics aimed at mechanical manufacturing. Metalworking is a common term in the mechanical engineering industry, used to describe all operations using machines (milling, turning, drilling, reaming, tapping, ..), technology as well as the application of various metal cutting tools, and even physical principles to create products with high precision in shape, size, and accuracy according [...]


What is the JIGS, the role of the JIG in machining?

Talking about mechanics is talking about machining, machines and methods to process a part, a part. In order to solve the problems of precision mechanical processing that we all have to pay attention to is the ability and the important role in the formation of product quality in the process of manufacturing and manufacturing products. So what is the effect of the fixture? What is a fixture? The jig (lathe chuck) is a necessary technology equipment in the process of mechanical [...]


The most popular series of Mitsubishi-class electrical appliances today

The society is developing day by day, the living standard is increasing, so the use and consumption of electricity is increasing day by day. To use electricity safely, you need electrical equipment. Understanding that problem, Mitsubishi provides a lot of electrical equipment to the market. So what do you know about Mitsubishi electrical equipment? Let’s find out with IDEA! The society is developing day by day, the living standard is increasing, so the use and consumption of electricity is increasing [...]


How to read Japanese mechanical drawings (JIS)

Not everyone can understand deeply and read Japanese mechanical drawings properly. So how to read the drawing properly? Let’s learn with me how to read Japanese mechanical drawings in the article below. What is the JIS standard? JIS Standard (English:  Japanese Industrial Standards) is a Japanese industrial standard used in industrial activities in this country. Unlike drawings in Vietnam, Japanese drawings have an edge-to-vertical projection layout and are used according to JIS standards – the 3rd angle projection method (illustration). In addition, [...]


Overview of the working principle of CNC machines

To understand the working principle of a CNC machine, you need to understand the structure of the machine. To understand thoroughly, it is relatively time consuming, so you have to break it down to grasp, first is the overall structure of the CNC machine, which big parts it consists of, and how they are linked. The CNC machine will include the following main components: Control parts Motors for each shaft Computer table Knife, knife head Cooling system Hydraulic system if it is an old machine. The basic [...]


Applying digital technology in enhancing the competitiveness of industrial production enterprises

The rapid and comprehensive explosion of technology in general or digital technology in particular for digital transformation has brought about diverse choices but also potential risks and challenges in the application process. Therefore, understanding, evaluating and choosing appropriate and effective technology is the most important task in the digital transformation process of businesses and organizations. The demand of the market is always the reason for manufacturers to change, improve, to innovate and that is also the challenge for modern industrial [...]


The start-up story of a 9X engineer who quit his job to open a mechanical workshop

Witnessing the scene where the father split the stone by hand, the mother steamed the cake with a wood pot; There were days when my father fell ill and could not split stones, the family lost its source of income and fell into poverty. Therefore, the dream of inventing machines for industrial production and construction kept burning in the young man every day. “Since I was a child, I have dreamed of opening a shop like this, sometimes thinking if [...]


Vending machines use feet to buy goods, why not?

If you can buy goods with just your feet, the vending machine we will introduce soon will be a temporary “psychological” vending machine during the COVID-19 epidemic. Famous as a country with the largest and most diverse number of vending machines in the world, Japan is constantly investing and developing in this field. Not only selling soft drinks, Japan also has vending machines for food, clothes, accessories, magazines or comics,…  We can also see vending machines. More unique vending machines [...]