Robot xoay ngang Scara RS405 Series

  • Bạn vừa thêm sản phẩm này vào giỏ hàng:

    RS405-LU bảo vệ

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    RS405-LU bảo vệ

    Giá: Liên hệ báo giá


    Possessing high precision and flexibility, a rotary axis can be added to the joint-end to increase the degree of freedom. Different end-effectors can be incorporated to achieve high precision assembly or rapid planar machining.


    Loading/unloading, packaging, arranging, assembly, dispensing, stacking and inspection.

  • Bạn vừa thêm sản phẩm này vào giỏ hàng:

    RS405-LU Tiêu chuẩn

    0 out of 5

    RS405-LU Tiêu chuẩn

    Giá: Liên hệ báo giá


    Possessing high precision and flexibility, a rotary axis can be added to the joint-end to increase the degree of freedom. Different end-effectors can be incorporated to achieve high precision assembly or rapid planar machining.


    Loading/unloading, packaging, arranging, assembly, dispensing, stacking and inspection.