The Future of Professional Service Robots

The Future of Professional Service Robots

Robots were born in the factory. The rise of automation outside of the factory environment is nothing short of a robotic revolution. Professional service robots are the result of rapid technological advances over the past few decades. As quickly as they’ve been developed and deployed, they’ll just as quickly hit mainstream applications and are expected become an increasingly common presence on job sites and in commercial venues around the world. There are already dozens of industries leveraging them.

While there are technological barriers for today’s professional service robots, they’ve progressed a long way in a relatively short of time, and the short-term market growth projections are optimistic.

AGV, a product of IDEA Group

Projected Market Growth of Professional Service Robots

By all measures, the market outlook for professional service robots is strong, with particular areas of explosive growth over the next few years. Overall, the market is expected to reach a value of $37 billion between 2019 and 2021, according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). Between 2019 and 2021, it’s predicted that the market will grow an average of 21% each a year – a remarkable number due to the wide-ranging forms and functions of robots considered ‘professional service robots.’

Logistics robots are expected to lead the way in terms of sales volumes, with approximately 485,000 units to be sold between 2019 and 2021, representing an average 18% increase each year. Defense robots will see a moderate increase to 43,700 units sold during the same time period, at 8% yearly growth, and field robots will sell approximately 32,700 units, an average annual growth of 22%.

Projections for public relations robots remain strong – a 53% increase in sales to 15,870 units is expected for 2018, with about 93,350 units then sold between 2019 and 2021. Exoskeletons will begin to establish themselves in the market, with 40,500 units sold between 2019 and 2021, representing an average increase of 37%.

The market for professional service robots of all kinds looks bright. Across the board, high growth in sales volumes is projected.


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